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  • Saniclean


    A low-foaming sanitizer great for applications in CO2 environments as well as use with pumps. Known for removing all flavors and odors, making it a great choice for acid rinsing and dispensing equipment.

    K E Y F E AT U R E S
    • Effectively removes odors and flavors especially from draft lines or other dispensing products
    • Great for both CIP and manual applications
    • Efficient alternative to harsher chemicals like PAA

    P R O P E R T I E S
    Odor: Slightly Alcoholic
    Phosphate Content as % Phosphorus: 9.3%
    Specific Gravity: 1.170
    Country of Origin: USA
    pH of mixed solution: 3.0 or below

    A P P E A R A N C E
    Liquid - Dark brown color with alcohol odor

    D I S P O S A L
    Dispose in a safe manner in accordance with local/national regulations. Avoid release to the environment.
    Contact manufacturer for specific disposal instructions.

    5 Star products may take 48-72 hours to ship once order has been placed.

    If you have other non-5 Star items on your order, we will ship them separately as soon as possible. 

    All 5 Star chemicals will ship standard ground. 
